Control Pak News

Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 2

Key Features of the EM Solutions™ Series Controllers over EM Turbos:

  1. One, Five, and Seven and a halfsecond scan time options (based on model selected),

2. Thirty-two (32) bit microprocessor,

3.  256K Flash memory based firm-
ware which is socket mounted for field replacement as new firmware versions are released

  1. 256K Flash memory redundant
*RAM back-up,

  1. 32/64/*512k optional RAM sizes

  1. 15 character Labels for each con-
trol decision "object",

  1. 150 day RAM and clock batter

  1. Portable Operators Terminal port for optional hand held SS-POT interface with multi-line, backlit LCD display and full alpha/numeric entry,

9. Local Area Network (LAN) expan-
sion slot for future optional *I/P Based
LAN expansion card,

10.Trend log samples can be re-
corded every 3 seconds,

11.EM Solutions Small controllers
have all the processing power of the
Large controllers but are faster, have
a smaller Input/output point mix and
cost less than their larger versions,

12.EM Solutions 48 and 96 have the
failsafe board to provide a complete
I/O power shutdown in the event any
fuse is blown,

13.EM Solutions 48 and 96 also have
a indicator light which flashes on the
front of the unit in the event of low bat
tery levels or the battery is missing,

14. Portable Operator Terminal units have 15 operator programmable function keys and have many display features which are operator selectable.

15. On-going, evolving firmware pro-
vides a series of User Interface and performance enhancements, such as:
a.  version number,
b. *partial object downloads,
c.  modern modem communications,
d.  Trend/Alarm Log Dump Request flag to enable the ManagePak Engineering Workstation host software for Windows' (Mpak EW Windows) Server to:

  1. notify the Clients (remote operator stations) via alert window and e-mail messaging,
  1. disconnects the unit to enable it to dump its reports to its as signed host. 
  2. Then the Alarm Log Client e-mails Alarm Logs, and
  3. The Trend Log Client stores the Trend Log Data for future reports and Charts
This on-line alarm dispatching priority
insures that the Systems Alarm re-
porting and data accumulating integ-
rity remains intact in spite of multiple
users and methods of concurrent
e. LAN Addressing of 63/*126 Units
f.  80 Character Headers on TLs
g. 16 Bit Flash ROM Processing
h. *RTS/CTS (Faster Modem and direct Connections)
  1. *Faster LAN Speed
  2. *Memory Size detection for faster upload

EM Solutions Series 4UU

"On-going, evolving firmware provides a series of User Interface and performance enhancements."